ENT Specialist in Chennai

ENT stands for ear, nose, and throat, which is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis, management, and treatment of disorders related to the ears, nose, and throat.

* Ear infections * Hearing loss * Tinnitus * Vertigo * Sinusitis

Some Of The Common ENT Conditions

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* Allergies. * Nasal polyps. * Deviated septum. * Throat infections. * Swallowing disorders.

* Ear pain or discomfort. * Hearing loss or ringing in the ears (tinnitus). * Dizziness or vertigo. * Nasal congestion or runny nose.

Symptoms of ENT

* Sinus pressure or headache. * Sore throat or difficulty swallowing. * Hoarseness or changes in voice. * Cough. * Difficulty breathing. * Fatigue or weakness.

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ENT (ear, nose, and throat) conditions can be diagnosed through various methods, including:

Diagnosis of ENT Conditions

* Medical history and physical exam. * Hearing tests. * Imaging tests. * Endoscopy. * Allergy testing. * Biopsy. * Balance tests.

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* Diet modifications. * Swallowing exercises. * Medications. * Surgical interventions. * Feeding tubes. * Lifestyle modifications.

Treatment for Swallowing Disorders


70, Josier Street,Nungambakkam, Chennai-600034.

+91 44690 39999 +91 72990 78999 www.vinitahealth.com