Symptoms and Causes of Dengue


Dengue, an illness transmitted by mosquitoes, has emerged as a significant global health issue. Understanding the symptoms and causes of dengue is vital for early detection, effective treatment, and prevention. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricate details of dengue, highlighting its symptoms, causes, and preventive measures.

Symptoms and Causes of Dengue

Dengue manifests with a range of symptoms, often categorized into acute and severe manifestations. Identifying these indications is essential for prompt medical action. Symptoms and causes of dengue are intertwined, as the virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes leads to a spectrum of symptoms, varying from high fever and severe headaches to joint pain, skin rash, and fatigue. Understanding these manifestations is essential for prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

High Fever

  • Sudden onset of high fever is a hallmark Symptoms and causes of dengue. This fever, often reaching 104°F (40°C) or higher, is a primary indicator of dengue infection. 
  • Temperatures can reach 104°F (40°C) or higher.

Severe Headaches

  • Intense headaches, particularly behind the eyes, are common in dengue cases.

Joint and Muscle Pain

  • Severe pain in joints and muscles, often referred to as “breakbone fever.”

Skin Rash

  • Appearance of a rash on the skin, typically starting on the torso and spreading to the limbs.

Fatigue and Weakness

  • Debilitating fatigue and weakness persist throughout the acute phase of the illness.

Cause of fever in dengue

Understanding the cause of fever in dengue involves recognizing the intricate interplay between the virus, mosquitoes, and human hosts.

Viral Transmission

Dengue is primarily transmitted through the bite of Aedes mosquitoes carrying the dengue virus. Understanding the symptoms and causes of dengue is crucial in recognizing its mode of transmission.

Aedes mosquitoes, particularly active during the day, contribute significantly to the spread of the virus, emphasizing the importance of preventive measures to mitigate the risk of infection.

Virus Strains

The dengue virus comes in four distinct serotypes—DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4, underlining the intricacy of fever’s origins in dengue.

Each strain can cause dengue fever, and exposure to one strain does not grant immunity to others. Understanding the diverse strains of the virus is crucial in comprehending the causes behind fever in dengue and the varying presentations of the illness.

Mosquito-Borne Transmission

When an Aedes mosquito bites an infected person, it becomes a carrier, highlighting how dengue fever spreads through transmission by these mosquitoes.

Breeding Grounds for Mosquitoes

Stagnant water in containers, such as old tires and flowerpots, serves as ideal breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes, emphasizing the significance of understanding symptoms and causes of dengue. 

In urban areas with inadequate sanitation, the risk of mosquito breeding and subsequent dengue transmission escalates.

Acute Dengue Symptoms

High Fever

  • Sudden onset of high fever characterizes the acute phase of dengue.

Severe Headaches

  • Intense headaches, often described as pounding or behind the eyes, are among the acute dengue symptoms.

Joint and Muscle Pain

  • Severe pain in joints, muscles, and bones is a common symptom.

Skin Rash

  • Appearance of a rash on the skin, accompanied by itching.

Fatigue and Weakness

  • Debilitating fatigue and weakness impact daily activities.

Severe Dengue Symptoms

Severe Bleeding

Dengue can lead to internal bleeding, causing nosebleeds, bleeding gums, or easy bruising.

Organ Impairment

“Dengue hemorrhagic fever can result in damage to vital organs such as the liver, emphasizing the potential for severe dengue symptoms. 

Severe Abdominal Pain

Intense abdominal pain and persistent vomiting are indicators of severe dengue complications.

Breathing Difficulties

Respiratory distress and difficulty in breathing can occur in severe cases, requiring immediate medical attention.

Preventive Measures and Conclusion

Implementing preventive measures is crucial in combating the spread of dengue and minimizing its impact.

Mosquito Control

  • Regularly inspect and eliminate stagnant water in containers to reduce mosquito breeding sites.
  • Use mosquito nets and repellents to protect against mosquito bites.

Community Awareness

  • Conduct community clean-up drives to raise awareness about dengue prevention.
  • Educate communities about the importance of proper waste disposal.


Understanding the symptoms and causes of dengue is pivotal for both individuals and communities. Early recognition of symptoms, coupled with preventive measures, can significantly reduce the impact of this viral illness. Share your experiences, insights, or questions in the comments below to contribute to the collective knowledge on combating dengue.

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