Does Exercise Lower the Risk of Kidney Stones?

Best Exercise for Kidney Stones
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Kidney stones are solid masses that are formed inside the kidney when any waste materials are collected due to the insufficiency of fluids in the body. Best exercise for kidney stones is formed in the kidney but they pass anywhere in the urinary tract. A few factors are considered to have kidney stones like Low fluid intake, a high protein diet, foods rich in oxalate, excess salt, excess body weight, etc.

Along with the medication, good foods and exercises can heal you from a kidney stone. The best exercise for kidney stones can only heal you from kidney issues.

Does Exercise Help with Kidney Stones?

Exercise plays an important role in the functioning of the human body properly. Doing the regular best exercise for kidney stones like a 30-minute walk, jogging a little, or doing a little cardio can heal your kidney stone problems. Regular exercise can help your organ to function properly. When you have such issues as kidney stone problems then doing exercise can be very effective.

The best exercise for kidney stones like jogging, walking, and doing cardio exercises can improve your kidney quality and ensure you get rid of kidney-related ailments.

Doing mild exercise is also the best exercise for kidney stones it can reduce the chances of creating kidney stones.

Best Exercise for Kidney Stones

How Effective is Exercising for Kidney Stones?

The best exercise for kidney stones can keep your kidney fit and fine along with your whole body. Doing normal walking, jogging, and cycling are a few exercises where you can get rid of stone-related ailments problems. Along with doing this normal exercise, you can avoid obesity, cholesterol, and blood pressure, which are also the main factors for kidney stones.

When you exercise regularly, you can maintain your salt, calcium, and minerals levels in the body. That will help you not to accumulate excess salt, and minerals to be deposited in your body which is the main reason to form solid masses like stones in your kidney.

On the other hand, moderate exercise can improve kidney function. Regular doing best exercise for kidney stones can increase blood circulation to the kidneys and keep them kidney healthy. A low-intensity workout is the best exercise to pass a kidney stone.

Doing low-intensity workouts like walking, jogging, and cycling can help to pass the stone easily from your urinary tract.

Aquatic exercises and aerobics are also the best exercise for kidney stones where you can prevent further enlargement of the stone inside your body. Mild exercises like jogging and skipping can also reduce the chances of salt and minerals depositing in your body, which avoids forming solid masses like stone. 

Yoga Best Exercise for Kidney Stones

Apart from other workouts, yoga is also the best for removing your kidney stone. Yoga asanas like Garudasana, Ushtrasana, Bhujangasana, etc. are very much beneficial when you have issues like kidney-related ailments. It heals the pain and gives relief from kidney stones.

Exercising can also avoid chronic kidney disease (CKD) by keeping you away from factors like blood pressure, heart ailments, cholesterol, obesity, type 2 diabetes, etc.

Other Healthy Changes that Get rid of Kidney Stones

Along with exercises, you need to hydrate yourself first! Consume lots of fluids to keep your body hydrated. Doing exercise and keeping yourself hydrated is important dehydration may lead to symptoms of kidney stones. Drinking lots of water before, after, and during your whole workout is good.

You can take certain drinks like cranberry juice and lemonade which is very beneficial to keep you hydrated all day and also break down your stones. There is a need for some dietary changes like intake of less salt, minerals, and oxalate-rich foods. Always try to avoid preserved and processed foods that can put extra pressure on the kidneys.


If you have kidney problem issues then overview the blog in detail what are the best exercises to improve your kidney quality and what food to eat and not! Apart from that change your lifestyle and add yoga as your fitness mantra to avoid kidney-related ailments. Be healthy and stay fit and fine!

Read also Best Neurologist in Chennai.

Frequently Asked Questions

Exercise can play a role in helping to prevent kidney stones, primarily by addressing risk factors associated with stone formation. Here are some of the best exercises to help prevent kidney stones and how they work:

  1. Aerobic Exercise (Cardiovascular Exercise):

    • How it works: Aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of obesity. Obesity is a known risk factor for kidney stones, and regular cardiovascular exercise can aid in weight management.
    • Why it helps: Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the likelihood of developing conditions like insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, which can increase the risk of kidney stone formation.
  2. Strength Training (Resistance Exercises):

    • How it works: Strength training exercises, which involve lifting weights or using resistance bands, can help build muscle mass and increase metabolism. This can contribute to weight management and improved overall health.
    • Why it helps: Increased muscle mass can improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, reducing the risk of metabolic conditions that can lead to kidney stones.
  3. Yoga and Stretching Exercises:

    • How it works: Yoga and stretching exercises can help improve flexibility and reduce stress. Chronic stress can affect the body’s hormone balance, potentially increasing the risk of kidney stones.
    • Why it helps: Stress reduction techniques can help lower cortisol levels, which may be associated with increased calcium excretion in the urine, a risk factor for certain types of kidney stones.

Exercise itself is not typically considered a primary treatment for passing kidney stones during an acute stone episode. The passage of kidney stones is generally dependent on factors like stone size, location, and individual anatomy. However, some forms of movement or activity may provide temporary relief or support during a kidney stone episode. Here’s what you should know:

  1. Physical Activity and Movement: Gentle physical activity, such as walking or light stretching, may help ease discomfort during a kidney stone episode. The movement can stimulate blood flow and possibly help the stone move within the urinary tract. However, it’s crucial to listen to your body and avoid strenuous exercise that could exacerbate pain or lead to injury.

  2. Hydration and Fluid Intake: While not an exercise per se, maintaining adequate hydration is critical during a kidney stone episode. Drinking plenty of water can help flush the urinary system, potentially aiding in stone passage. Your healthcare provider may recommend specific fluid intake goals based on your situation.

  3. Pain Management: Pain relief is a primary focus during a kidney stone episode. Over-the-counter pain medications, as recommended by your healthcare provider, can help alleviate discomfort and improve your ability to move and stay active.

If you have a history of kidney stones or are at risk for stone formation, there are certain exercises and activities that you may want to approach with caution or avoid altogether to reduce the risk of kidney stone-related complications. Here are some considerations:

  1. High-Impact Exercises: Activities that involve jarring or high-impact movements, such as running, jumping, or vigorous aerobic exercises, can potentially increase the risk of kidney stone episodes, especially if you are prone to calcium oxalate stones. The impact may jar the kidneys and disrupt the urinary tract.

  2. Dehydration-Inducing Exercises: Exercising vigorously in a hot environment without adequate fluid intake can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can increase the concentration of minerals in your urine, making it more likely for crystals to form and develop into stones. Therefore, it’s important to stay well-hydrated before, during, and after exercise.

  3. Excessive Heat Exposure: Activities like hot yoga or exercising in extremely hot and humid conditions can lead to dehydration and may not be suitable for individuals at risk of kidney stones. Prolonged exposure to excessive heat can increase the risk of dehydration-related stone formation.

  4. Limited Rest and Recovery: Overtraining or not allowing sufficient time for your body to recover between intense workouts can potentially lead to dehydration and increase the risk of kidney stones. Adequate rest and recovery are essential for overall health, including kidney health.

  5. Excessive Dietary Supplements: Some people take high doses of dietary supplements like vitamin C, calcium, or certain herbal remedies for fitness purposes. Excessive intake of certain supplements can increase the risk of stone formation. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before taking supplements, especially if you have a history of kidney stones.